A Night With the Venezuelan Ministry of People’s Power of External Trade and International Investment and Vice-Minister of People’s Power for Industry


On Monday, June 27th, there was an encounter with Jesus Faria, the Venezuelan Ministry of People’s Power of External Trade and Carlos Faria, International Investment and Vice-Minister of People’s Power for Industry. It was the time that we could hear the real situation of Venezuela, not distorted or even false information from mainstream media. After Chavez took  office as the president there were a lot of social changes and the current government is trying to continue in the same direction. The opposition party, having the US on their back, won the general election last December and has attempted to overthrow the government. There are problems needed to be solved, but the opposition party and the rich are causing economic crisis and using the situation for their political end while the people are suffering from it. In addition to it, the US tries to shake Venezuela from outside. However people who support the government come out to streets and let people know the truth and other Latin American countries show their solidarity to Venezuela within the Organization of American States to check the US.

Jesus Faria, the Venezuelan Ministry of People’s Power of External Trade, said that  the first six months of 2016 was one of the most difficult time, but he has confidence to continue the revolution under the harsh condition. To make that happen, they will have strong political power, overcome food crisis, and increase domestic production to control inflation. Also the government has every intention to communicate with the opposition to solve the problems.