June Open Lecture: Nonsan Summer Farming Exposure Trip


Written by Gavin Huang

For June Open Lecture, we went to Nonsan to experience farming. Nonsan is famous for strawberry. During 2 days and 1 night, we worked in the field during day and talked with farmers in the evening. Arriving Nonsan and went to the strawberry greenhouses right after lunch. It is not the time for harvesting strawberries, we cut “runner” that will be growing strawberry seedling and put them into the bags. While we were cutting the runners from the mother strawberries, we could pick and eat as many as we could. After working a few hours and took a rest under the shade with watermelon and korean wine, Makgeoli. Then we went back to work. Coming back to the accommodation, the dinner seemed more delicious than usual after hard working. The president of the farmer’s organization in Nonsan came to join the dinner and we could hear about   farming life and farmers’ struggle.

The next day, we went to the field cultivated with native seeds. Before starting working we were told about the native seeds and planted native peas and perillas in the field. Surrounded by mountains and green field, we could also hear women peasant life. For women peasants, struggle against sex discrimination also big agenda in the strong patriarchal rural communities.

It was only 2 days and 1 night but we could have glimpse of farmers’ lives and experience how agricultural crops were cultivated.

[Note: The viewpoint expressed in this article is not necessarily that of the International Strategy Center.]